Dr. Xavier Amador


As humans, we’re never going to always agree. And for Dr. Xavier Amador, his life revolves around fighting — helping people deal with it and get through it. His new book, “I’m Right, You’re Wrong, Now What,” is about how to handle disagreements.

It’s not a matter of fighting, which is inevitable; Amador says it’s about handling it because it can become a constant battle. He says there things people need to learn and do to keep disagreements from ruining their lives.

Many times it’s always about who’s winning the argument. Amador says there are toxic and healthy arguments and that it’s imperative we know the difference.

He tells people to get over the need to “win” and L.E.A.P!

Listen reflectively
Empathize with the other person’s point of view
Agree on goals both sides share
Partner on achieving those goals

He talks with Growing Bolder about why taking the LEAP is so important in keeping healthy relationships.