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Shantell Williams

Shantell Williams: Shut Up and Ride

Shantell Williams learned how to ride a Harley in her 40s. Eight months after she started, she set out on a journey across 48 states to bring attention to Bessie Stringfield, the first African American woman to ride across America in the 1930s.

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The Answer to Movement Longevity Lies in Our Feet

Maintaining movement as we age is critically important to our quality of life. Functional podiatrist Dr. Emily Splichal of Naboso demonstrates how caring for sensory stimulation in our feet affects our balance, physical strength, and our nervous system, leading to longer and healthier lives.

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Madonna Hanna: Honoring the Past, Sprinting Into the Future

Madonna Hanna has achieved all her life, as an award-winning teacher, author, and fashion industry executive. In 2011 she added sprinter to her list when, at 57, her late husband began coaching her and she entered the Washington Senior Games. After his death, Madonna kept her promise to him to keep running. She found a new coach in nationally-ranked track athlete Marcus Chambers, and their work together helped Madonna achieve gold at the 2023 National Senior Games.

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