Gaming on GrandPad Brings Health Benefits for All
Gaming on GrandPad has made it easy for seniors to take advantage of the health benefits that video games can have for older adults.
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Gaming on GrandPad has made it easy for seniors to take advantage of the health benefits that video games can have for older adults.
A 79-year-old grandmother, who goes by the alias WowGrandma78, is shattering existing stereotypes and changing the way thousands of people look at online gamers.
Gaming together provides a reason for having conversation and creates a common ground to which people of all ages can relate. There is so much variety in the world of social gaming that there is something out there for everyone — you just need to find the right game that fits your passions.
As a diamond-ranked player in the game “Apex Legends,” Duncan McLeod (55) competes among the top 10% of all players — regardless of age.
Remember when you told your kids to stop playing video games because they weren’t good for them? Fast forward a couple of decades and it’s a world turned upside down. Young adults are now encouraging their parents and grandparents to start gaming because it is good for them. And they’re right.