Estelle Parsons


Estelle Parsons is well-known for her Academy Award-winning performance in “Bonnie and Clyde” and her 10 years as Mother Bev on the hit sitcom “Roseanne.”

But at 86, she is doing some of her best work in the Broadway play, “The Velocity of Autumn,” earning a Tony nomination for her performance. It’s just the latest role in an illustrious stage career, that’s been going on for 50 years and has included more than 30 shows. 

What did she think about the news that her show was closing, just as she learned she’d been nominated for a Tony Award? Her answer will surprise you. 

And what does 86 feel like? She explains why she never even thought about aging until she reached 80. 

Get her advice for aging, particularly with the sensitive subject of assisted living homes. She shares what she’s learned from her role on this topic and offers advice for both families and those who are considering moving into one. 

She also shares what she believes is her secret to healthy aging and how she’s still able to perform in physically grueling Broadway productions.