Dori Berinstein

Tony Award-winning producer Dori Berinstein knows a good story when she’s sees one, and when she heard that a group of senior citizens were doing hip hop dance routines at NBA games, she knew she had to tell their stories.

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Glenda Guilfoyle

Glenda Guilfoyle is a real-life dancing queen. She started as a coveted Radio City Music Hall Rockette at the age of 17 and at 74, she’s still moving her feet to the music.

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Orlando Magic Silver Stars

Are you ready to move your body? Meet the Orlando Magic Silver Stars, a group of 50+ dancers who shake their things in front of huge NBA crowds. Find out why they do it and how they got up the courage to shine!

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Liz Lerman

Through explosive dancing, personal stories, humor, and a company of performers whose ages span six decades, Liz Lerman’s productions stretch the expressive range of contemporary dance.

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