Allee Willis is a testament to the axiom, if you don’t try you’ll never know. Without being able to read or play a note of music, she’s written some of the best-selling songs in music history, including “Neutron Dance” by the Pointer Sisters, “Boogie Wonderland” and “September” by Earth, Wind and Fire and the theme song from “Friends.”
But that’s not all she does. She’s also an artist, a set designer, a writer and an award-winning filmmaker. In fact, she has created some of the hottest videos on YouTube. She may be one of the coolest 60-something women alive!
Allee saw the power of the Internet years before anyone else. She also saw the approaching age wave and embraced it.
She says when she was younger she was “freaked out” by older people, but then she gradually learned that “youth is in your mind.” Much of her work since proves that point.
She is provocative, creative and dynamic, and someone you’ll enjoy getting to know!