Brene Brown


You’re about to meet a woman whose life changed overnight — all because she was willing to admit she’s vulnerable.

For the past 10 years, researcher and storyteller Brené Brown, Ph.D., has studied vulnerability, shame and courage. In 2010, she made a speech on the topic at TEDx Houston and it exploded. To date, more than 8.5 million people have watched that talk on, making it one of the site’s most watched talks ever. 

She’s also just a written powerful new book called “Daring Greatly” that’s flying off the shelves. 

Why did this speech resonate with so many? Brené says she believes everyone already knew everything said and now they know they’re not alone. 

She explains how it was always one of her goals to launch a national conversation about shame and vulnerability, but even she never expected it to take off like this. 

Find out how an FDR speech inspired the title of her book and what she’s learned about being courageous and vulnerable, especially in the workplace.