One simple incident changed John Wood’s life forever, in ways he could never imagine.
He was an executive at Microsoft and his mid-30s, he took a vacation hiking through the Himalayas. On that trip, he came across a school filled with students but they hardly had any books.
He returned the following year with 3,000 donated books. Before long, he quit his job and started the foundation, Room to Read.
In last 12 years, Room to Read has established more than 1,600 schools, 15,000 libraries and provided 11 million books.
John his written about his experiences in his books, “Leaving Microsoft to Change the World” and new book, “Creating Room to Read.” He says he hopes people realize you don’t have to be a celebrity or billionaire to change the world.
He explains how his parents taught him that even if you don’t have much, you can still do something and how even though he grew up in a middle-class home, they were always rich in books. Find out why he thinks even in our rapidly advancing, technology based world, books are the most powerful tool to change and improve lives.
He also reveals the man he calls his business hero (hint: it’s not Bill Gates) and how he’s tried to grow Room to Read by following this leader’s example.
And find out why every Room to Read project requires community helpers and workers and why it’s essential to guaranteeing the success of the local programs.
To see more pictures of the program and to learn how you can help, visit