Mark Victor Hansen


Motivational speakers Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen were getting standing ovations around the world with their inspirational talks. They even brought tears to the eyes of some our nation’s toughest Marines.

They had a simple idea: why not share these stories with everyone?  The result was the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book. Now, nearly two decades later, more than 157 million Chicken Soup books have been sold and the original has inspired more than 200 other titles, including Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul.

Today, Mark Victor Hansen still travels the world, inspiring and motivating people. With books like “Cash in a Flash,” “The One-Minute Millionaire” and “How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life” (which he co-authored with the late Art Linkletter), Mark says he’s helped create more millionaires than anyone else on the planet.

He says it’s his mission in life to teach people how to pursue their passions and make money while doing it. He says he wants to do what the people in Washington and on Wall Street have been unable to do — give Americans hope.

He also worries about our nation’s future, which is why he now owns Natural Power Concepts, the country’s largest alternative energy company.

Mark says life is all about passion and hard work. Growing up the son of illiterate immigrants gave him a drive to succeed and live the American dream. He has big ideas about how we should all be pitching in to make America better.

He has strong opinions on everything from retirement (here’s a hint: he’s not a fan of idle hands and minds), Social Security and mentoring, particularly intergenerational relationships.

Listen to this interview and find out his vision for how American can get back on the right track.

Click on the Related Media button above for a conversation with Mark Victor Hansen, plus listen to our interviews with other “Chicken Soup for the Soul” authors, including Art Linkletter.