According to recent statistics, there are currently 3 million Americans over 50 out of work. When you factor in those who are underemployed or those who have dropped out of the job hunt, those numbers are even higher.
Journalist Susan Sipprelle wanted to know what the real impact of those numbers are on older Americans.
For the past several years, she has been documenting the lives of out-of-work 50+ Americans for her project, Over 50 and Out of Work. She says she wants to provide snapshots of the human condition and the true impact of the recession.
Susan says her greatest hope is that this project will provide employers, in particular, a new understanding of older workers and the skills and experiences they bring to jobs.
Her project is already having a big impact. She was recently asked to testify before the U.S. Senate about the issues surrounding older Americans.
And for the workers themselves, Susan says her project can provide hope and useful tips to help them get back in the job market in jobs that are even better and more fulfilling than the jobs they lost.
Visit Susan’s website to watch videos, interact with other 50+ job seekers and take advantage of the project’s job-hunting resources.