Judith Simms-Cendan, M.D. – Ambassadors of Healing


Last Updated on July 23, 2021

Judith Simms-Cendan, M.D., loves to practice medicine, loves to teach and loves to serve.

As an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology and Director of International Experiences at the University Of Central Florida College Of Medicine she’s able to combine all three.

Her favorite classrooms are the streets and remote villages of impoverished countries around the world.

On her fourth trip to the Dominican Republic, she shows us how vitally important and life-saving these trips are for both her students and for those without regular access to quality healthcare. See how a 49-person interdisciplinary teams works together to care for more than 1,000 patients in just eight days.

Dr. Simms-Cendan explains how she sees her team’s role not just as healthcare providers but as ambassadors for all Americans. And it’s a talent they bring back with them to help those who need help most, right in their own backyards.

Get inspired to make changes in the world around you, whatever your talents are.

Note: this trip was funded in part by the Diebel Legacy Fund at the Central Florida Foundation.