Silver Sneakers – Find Your Fit


Last Updated on July 29, 2021

Silver Sneakers is making it easy to stay fit at home with a new series of videos to help you start, or continue, your fitness journey. Plus, if you’re a Florida Blue Medicare member you have access to 200+ on-demand workout videos included in your membership.

Find Your Fit while staying home

Exercise is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and can support a healthy immune system1. With gyms across the nation closing due to concerns over coronavirus, you may be wondering how you can keep up your fitness routine while stuck at home. SilverSneakers® can help you do just that.

This new series of SilverSneakers videos will help you start, or continue, your fitness journey. Also, it may  help increase your strength and balance, and improve your emotional well-being. You can choose from these video series:

Once you choose a series, you’ll receive a new video once a week for four weeks. At the end of each series, you will be enrolled to complete another series.

Click here to get more details and sign up for your first video today.

If you’re a Florida Blue Medicare member SilverSneakers On-Demand is included in your membership, giving you you access to 200+ online workout videos. Log in to (or create an account) to view on-demand workouts like SilverSneakers Classic, Yoga, etc. Visit to learn more.

You can access workout programs that can be tailored to your fitness level on our fitness app, SilverSneakers GOTM. You can modify the exercises to make them easier or harder with just one click. Download the app at the Apple or Google stores today, or visit to learn more.

SilverSneakers will also be offering Facebook Live classes. Please visit and follow the SilverSneakers Facebook page ( for more details.

Always talk with your doctor before starting an exercise program2. 

SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Tivity Health, Inc. © 2020 Tivity Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 
Florida Blue Medicare is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.