Find Intergenerational Connection Through Virtual Reality
In this clip from Growing Bolder’s What’s Next, Bret Wright, owner of gaming company The Tool Shed, shares how emerging…
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In this clip from Growing Bolder’s What’s Next, Bret Wright, owner of gaming company The Tool Shed, shares how emerging…
In addition to video calls, messaging, and photo sharing, GrandPad has now crafted an incredibly easy gaming platform to allow grandparents to play their favorite board games online with their grandchildren, starting with a cherished classic: checkers.
82-year-old Richard Thill serves as a Grand Advisor to a tech company called GrandPad, helping to get more seniors online and connected to loved ones.
The rapid growth of online learning is already paying dividends for people of all ages. Here are a few of our favorite online learning sites for older adults.
Believe it or not, the biggest distraction in your life, your phone, can also be a source of calm and mindfulness.
The pandemic has meant an explosion in online learning which retired seniors have taken advantage of.
Originally popularized by teens, TikTok has slowly traveled upwards to older age groups. Here’s what you need to know to get involved.
How virtual reality is changing the world around us.
We all worry about online security these days because so much of our lives are conducted on the internet. Our friends from Senior Planet share how you can use Two-Factor Authentication to better secure your digital presence.
Many wineries have offered online tastings on Facebook, Instagram and Zoom. Our friends at Senior Planet compare a few.
People are busy going through closets and drawers to toss the junk. But how about your phone and computer? Our friends at Senior Planet share how to make 2021 the year you put your electronic house in order.
Life during quarantine made virtual socializing more important than ever, and few resources are as valuable as Facebook…until recently. If…