When are You Going to Retire? | The Power of Passion & Intergenerational Connection
Growing Bolder and Humana are changing the culture of aging with The New 65+! The New 65+ celebrates the stories…
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Growing Bolder and Humana are changing the culture of aging with The New 65+! The New 65+ celebrates the stories…
You’ve likely heard Slater referred to as The Accidental Icon which is a blog she started in 2014 at the age of 61, and led to a sphere of influence that includes over a million online followers.
Maintaining movement as we age is critically important to our quality of life. Functional podiatrist Dr. Emily Splichal of Naboso demonstrates how caring for sensory stimulation in our feet affects our balance, physical strength, and our nervous system, leading to longer and healthier lives.
In order to maximize our longevity, we must properly fuel our body, which is why Growing Bolder is partnering with Thorne Supplements.
Learn to bounce back from setbacks as you age with Growing Bolder’s 5 keys to resilience, and improve your physical and mental health.
Aging is a blessing to be celebrated. Follow Growing Bolder’s Seven Keys to Happiness to lead a happier, healthier life in your later years.
If you’re struggling to think of the perfect present or just need inspiration, these gift suggestions are sure to be appreciated and genuinely put to use.
There is no secret formula for how to age well; it takes strength, both physical and mental. You can strengthen your body through exercise, but how do you strengthen your mind? One way is through social engagement.
Growing Bolder Day is designed to appeal to adults of all ages, to celebrate the value of intergenerational connection, and to change belief systems about how our later years can look.
If you’re struggling to think of the perfect present or just need inspiration, these gift suggestions are sure to be appreciated and genuinely put to use.
The lifestyle choices we make have a direct impact on our happiness and health. By moving our bodies and moving addresses we can seize the opportunity of aging.
As men age, finding the perfect Father’s Day gift can be a difficult challenge. We’ve got you covered with a range of ideas for men age 50+.