Dr. Emily Richardson


It takes a lot of different ingredients to live a long, healthy life and one of the key elements is staying mentally engaged throughout your life.

It used to be that seeing a middle-aged person on a college campus was unusual, but these days, older students are everywhere you look.

In fact, students over 50 are the highest growing demographic, percentage wise, on all college campuses. And it’s a trend that’s expected to explode in the coming decades.

Dr. Emily Richardson says the experience of watching her own parents seek out new adventures and opportunities for learning inspired her to help created a lifelong learning initiative at Stetson University.

She explains some of the benefits of lifelong learning and reveals some of the reasons why some choose to go back to school and what they hope to gain from it.

Every study shows that lifelong learning will improve your life in so many ways, and Dr. Richardson explains some of the many ways.

Plus, find out some of the things that make older students unique compared to other undergrads and why so many professors want to teach their courses.