When you plan your meals, how do you decide what to make? What goes into your thought process? Do you go by what tastes good to you? By how long it takes to make? By how few pots and pans you can get away with having to wash? By what may help you? Because that may be a whole lost more important. Your food can be a prescription for your health. It’s called culinary medicine and it’s a field that’s growing in popularity every single day.
Culinary medicine is defined as “an evidence-based speciality that blends the art of food with the science of medicine.” The goal isn’t to take away your favorite foods; it’s to teach you healthy, simple, sustainable everyday habits to nourish your family with real, whole foods while also taking your specific health issues into consideration.
Jacquelyn Nyenhuis, M.D., has been a proponent of culinary medicine for decades. She’s had her own cable TV cooking show and a syndicated newspaper column. She wants everyone to know that nutrition is an enormously misunderstood science; so much so that she wrote the textbook that explains which foods are essential for good health. She’s also an assistant professor of internal medicine at the UCF College of Medicine.
She joins Growing Bolder Radio to describe culinary medicine and to explain how it can change your health. Get her tips for making food the medicine that fuels and nourishes your family.
(Note: the UCF College of Medicine is a Growing Bolder content partner and a sponsor of Growing Bolder.)