Over the last few years, people over 50 have taught the world a shocking lesson: they’re not only still active in a carnal way, some are more active than ever!
Some people still don’t want to hear or talk about it, which has led to a lot of misinformation and a lot of people with questions or concerns that they are afraid to voice.
There is one expert standing tall to help. Joan Price is a journalist, public speaker and author whose latest book is called “Ultimate Guide to Sex Over 50.” She’s also the author of “Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud about Senior Sex.”
Joan explains how we’re living in different bodies than when we first discovered our sexuality … and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. She explains that just because things hurt or don’t work the way they used to doesn’t mean it has to be the end of our sexual lives.
She explains the many health and emotional benefits of an active sex life and how you can come new strategies to adapt to your current bodies and lives.