Eventually, many of us will experience a wake-up call in our lives. It’s the moment when we realize that there is more to life than our current situation.That we really can have more and we really can give back more and that it’s not too late.
For Mark Noonan, that wakeup call came in 2004. He was 52 years old, a driven executive in the high-tech industr, working all over the world. He happened to be in China, when he got a call that his wife had fallen off a ladder. He tried to get to her but she passed away before he could reach her side.
That was his wakeup call and it changed his life forever.
He stepped off the career ladder and started to explore opportunities that would fulfill him personally and professionally.
And he says he found his true calling.
Today, Mark is the volunteer engagement and social media manager for Elders In Action, a non-profit in Portland. He oversees nearly 200 volunteers of all ages.
He explains how his personal tragedy led to his new career and what he’s learned from people everywhere who have also survived horrible experiences.
Mark wants other people to hear his story and see how it’s possible to transition in your life and find your true passion.
He describes some of the other career paths he considered and how he ended up back in school, earning a degree in gerontology.
Plus, find out about some of the entrepreneurial opportunities available for Boomers today and how Elders in Action helps older people age in place, while remaining active and involved.
Visit eldersinaction.org to learn more about this organization.