At the 1976 Summer Olympic Games, the East German women’s swimming team was unstoppable. It looked like they were going to walk away with every gold medal. And they would have if it wasn’t for a group of determined American women.
In one of the greatest races in the history of international swimming, the U.S. women shocked the world by winning the 4x100m relay and setting a new world record.
For swimmer Wendy Boglioli, who also won a bronze in the 100m butterfly in the 1976 games, is was simply a matter of determination and willpower. She and teammates decided they were not going to leave the Games without a gold medal.
It would be one of only two gold medals the East Germans didn’t win.
Wendy vividly describes the atmosphere and reveals whether they suspected their East German competitors of using performance-enhancing drugs.
Today, Wendy uses those experiences in Montreal when she speaks to corporations and social groups across the nation for her “Finding the Champion Within” talk.
For Wendy, competition has been a lifelong passion. She took up competitive track cycling at the age of 40, winning many gold medals, before a horrific crash. Now, she continues to find new ways to workout and stay in shape.
Plus, find out how her father’s health experiences propelled her into the long-term care industry.
She also describes her In the Arms of Women program, which she helped found to highlight the unique financial and physical needs of women and why it’s so important for them to plan for their futures.
Did you know that two-thirds of every American in this country are women and are poor? Wendy wants says she wants to empower women to help themselves to figure out their financial futures and long-term security.
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