Last Updated on October 20, 2020
Meet a man who took reinventing himself to a whole new level. Frank Attwood was one of those guys who seemed to have it all — he just wasn’t happy. He was very successful in the business world but he couldn’t shake that nagging feeling that something important was missing.
He began to search, inside himself and out, and realized what was missing: purpose. Frank yearned to reach people, to inspire people, to make a difference. The deeper he looked inward, the more clear the answer became. And what came into focus was the greatest inventor in American history. But why Thomas Edison?
And was it just him, or are there things about Edison that can still advise, instruct and inspire today? Attwood found a very creative answer, and now believes he’s found his true purpose in life. Here is Attwood as Edison.
Frank has a wonderful web site. Just click here to check it out and learn more!