Lucky’s Jaws Swim


Da-Dum. Da-da-Da-Dum. In the summer of 1975, the movie “JAWS” terrorized nearly everyone who saw it. Our pal, Dr. Lucky Meisenheimer is finally ready to conquer his fear. And he wants company. Each year, he opens his house and lakeside dock to anyone who wants to take on a terrifying challenge: watching the summer classic “Jaws,” followed by a midnight swim across the lake. We were there for one his annual Jaws events. Dive in and watch this story … if you dare! Da-Dum. Da-da-Da-Dum.

Want to learn more about Lucky?

When he finds an interest he explores it. Sometimes his journey takes him right into the Guinness Book of World Records. He’s in there — twice! Once for swimming on his back with his foot in his mouth and again for having the world’s largest collection of yo-yos. He’s also a filmmaker, a master swimmer and appears in the latest National Lampoon movie, “Robodoc.” Oh, he also happens to be the Chief of Dermatology at major hospital.

–Lucky’s Lake Swim
–Rowdy Gaines at Lucky’s Lake Swim
–World Record Hanging by a String