Fitness Superstars


Last Updated on October 20, 2020

With the new year, it’s a new opportunity to commit to getting fit! These ten role models have different approaches, but all believe that taking care of your health is the most important part of Growing Bolder.

1: Buddy Lee

Buddy Lee was a member of the 1992 U.S. Olympic Greco-Roman wrestling team. Once one of the best wrestlers in the world, he’s now arguably the world’s leading advocate for jumping rope. He’s an author and motivational speaker and has appeared on nearly every national network talking about the benefits of jumping rope.

2: Steve Siebold

How many of us have tried to stay in shape but failed? That’s why the weight-loss industry is worth billions every year. With all the books, products and supplements out there you’d think we’d all be in great condition, but Steve Siebold says every one of those books, products and supplements are a waste of money and all they do is distract you from the only thing that will work.

3. Lisa Lynn

Lisa Lynn is a celebrity fitness and nutrition expert who specializes in metabolic weight loss and performance nutrition. She is Dr. Oz’s go-to expert and was Martha Stewart’s personal trainer for 13 years. Her take on losing weight is very different and it’s changing the lives of people who’ve tried every diet and every gimmick going until they’ve just given up.

4. Richard Simmons

For more than 35 years, one of America’s most beloved fitness experts has been helping others lose weight, helping men and women lose an estimated 12 million pounds. He was one of the first people to work closely with the morbidly obese, laying the foundation for shows like “The Biggest Loser” or “Extreme Makeover.” His “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” launched the era of dance aerobics. Richard Simmons explains he how dangerously tried to lose weight as an obese teenager and young man and why he wanted to help others struggling.

5. Dr. Robert Masson

Fitness is critical not only to prevention but to recovery. In this Road to Recovery Minute, world-renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Robert Masson says the more fit you are, the more likely you’re going to reach your post-surgical goals.

6. Winifred Pristell

Even though we all have aches and pains in life, there is no excuse for sitting on the couch. Don’t believe us? Just ask 74-year-old weightlifter Winifred Pristell, who overcame obesity, heavy drinking and arthritis to become a world record-holder.

She’s set state, national and world records in bench press and deadlift and wants you to know it’s never too late to improve your overall health and fitness or to take up a new hobby.

7. Jeanne Daprano

Jeanne Daprano is unknown to the general public, but in the masters track and field world, she’s one of the biggest superstars. In just the past year, she set five age group world records, in events including the 400m, the 800m and the mile. In the mile race, she smashed the previous world record and stunned everyone with her sub-7 minute mile. And did we mention she’s 75 years old?

8. Diamond Dallas Page

You probably know Diamond Dallas Page as one of the true legends of professional wrestling. He’s a three-time WCW world champion and a four-time World Tag Team Champion. He’s also one of the great all-time re-inventors. These days, he’s a motivational speaker, a nutrition expert, a fitness guru and founder of DDP Yoga, a unique program responsible for some pretty amazing results.

9. Rich Roll

As he approached his 40th birthday, entertainment attorney Rich Roll was like a lot of men — he was overweight, out of shape and didn’t have the energy to live life like he wanted to. Today, he’s in his late 40s and one of world’s top ultradistance endurance athletes and plant-based nutrition advocates.

10. Shea Vaughn

Shea Vaughn is an author, speaker and fitness and wellness expert who is all about creating well-being at any age. She has created something called SheaNetics, which she says ignites our potential to look and feel our very best. She’s the author of book, “Shea Vaughn’s Breakthrough: The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great and Find Total Well-Being.”