Joe Kittinger: Man on a Mission


Last Updated on October 20, 2020

Joe Kittinger has kept a secret for nearly two years but now it can be revealed. What does this 81-year-old American hero have to do with the most dangerous, most exciting record attempt in 50 years? Everything.

The Red Bull Stratos Mission will launch its record breaking attempt in the next few months. The exact time and location have yet to be announced. We’ll keep you informed. For more information go to

Click on the Related Media tab above for exclusive GB stories on Kittinger, including his descriptions of his time in a POW camp with John McCain and flying pop star Michael Jackson in a hot-air balloon.

Some of the video and still photos in our story are courtesy of:

Photo Credits:
Garth Milan
Sven Hoffman
Christian Pondella
Francois Portmann

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