Joyce Carpati

Joyce Carpati is fashionable, vibrant and most importantly, proud to embrace her age. Find out how the 82-year-old is spreading the message that the right attitude, not a lot of anti-aging products, is all you need to look and feel fabulous.

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Oleda Baker Sets the Record Straight

We check in via Skype with Team GB Elite blogger Oleda Baker to find out how she feels about her upcoming 80th birthday. And she’s heard what the naysayers have had to say about her appearance. Has she had a facelift? She tells all.

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Dr. Terry Grossman

Meet a doctor who believes the lifespan of human species is about to explode due to what we know about genes and genetic mapping. Find out why he thinks life expectancies are about to become a thing of the past.

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Are Anti-Aging Products a Scam?

Are anti-aging products legitimate or a waste of your money? Is there any proof to back up their claims? Can some actually be harmful to your health? Those are the questions Arlene Weintraub answers in her new book, “Selling the Fountain of Youth.”

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Oleda Baker

Think you need good genes or a good surgeon to age well? Think again. Oleda Baker is a former supermodel who still dazzles at 76 and she says it’s all about the way you treat your mind and body. Get her tips for breaking the age barrier.

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