Take it to Heart: Go Red for Women
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United State yet the risks and symptoms can be very different between men and women.
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Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United State yet the risks and symptoms can be very different between men and women.
How is your heart health? Do you know? Mark Williams nearly died of a heart attack, even though he didn’t think he had any symptoms of heart disease before nearly losing his life. Now he’s sharing what he hopes every person learns from his near-death experience.
For 40 years, Dr. Paul Magelli has battled heart disease. It’s a disease that took the life of his identical brother at 45. Now in his 80s, Paul explains why he’s taking his fight against the disease to the top of the world’s tallest free-standing mountain.
Just as he was about to achieve his dream of becoming a police officer, Richard Belanger suffered three heart attacks — in the same day.
It’s hard to say that cancer is ever a good thing but time after time, people say in many ways, it’s actually a blessing in disguise. That was certainly the case for a young boy, whose cancer discovery led to the discovery of a life-threatening heart condition.
One of the world’s leading cancer doctors, who treated Apple’s Steve Jobs during his final days, says the only proven way to fight the diseases plaguing our country is prevention. He shares tips for lifestyle habits you MUST start adopting today.
If you were having a stroke, would you know it? Secily Wilson explains how she never saw her stroke coming because she ignored the worsening warning signs of it. Find out what you NEED to know about strokes. It just might save your life.
Four-time Olympic triathlete Hunter Kemper recently took a break from his training in Colorado to return to his hometown — to take a walk. He reveals the health scare that inspired his father to drastically change his life and what you can learn.
Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to your overall health. Noted sleep expert Dr. Clelia Lima of Florida Hospital explains how common sleep disorders are for the average person, how much sleep do we need and what can happen if we don’t get it.
Newspaper publisher Ann Sonntag thought she was healthy — she even looked and felt it. For fun, she volunteered to test out cutting-edge heart imaging technology. The results stunned her. Now, she’s exercising to save lives, not just her own.
She’s a four-time Olympic gold medalist and the greatest female distance swimmer of all time, and at the age of 40, Janet Evans is staging an Olympic comeback. She explains why she’s ready to compete again, even against swimmers half her age.
What’s the No. 1 chronic condition in this country? One of the world’s most recognized and respected doctors explains why so many patients are undiagnosed and how it’s crippling our nation. Learn how to follow a do-it-yourself health plan.