Thank You For Your Service: Preserving Veteran Stories
In 2006, filmmaker Tim Gray began conducting mass interviews all over the world with survivors, combatants, and home front people to honor their experiences and hopefully learn from them.

Tony Handler on Beating The Odds
When doctors told Tony Handler he had two years to live they could not have been more wrong. Or were they? In some ways, it was the end of the old Tony and the beginning of a whole new way of life for him; one filled with activity, courage and gratitude.

Walking the Talk: The First Annual Wisdom Walk

5 Ways To Practice Gratitude
While it is a big key to a happy life, thankfulness is often something that takes daily focus and practice. Here are five of our favorite ways to practice gratitude.

Cozy Into Fall
This sweet potato risotto is loaded with, you guessed it — sweet potatoes, but also gets added flavor from goat cheese, Parmesan cheese, brown butter and some bacon.

5 Keys For the Modern Caregiver
Within The Art of Caregiving online summit, O’Rourke explained her 5 keys for the modern caregiver

Gratitude For What is in Front of Us
Gratitude is a choice. It’s a muscle that needs strengthening through regular practice. There are many ways to do this, from journaling to prayer to making lists or more active practices like giving time to help others. Different approaches will feel right to different people at different points in our lives. Doro Bush Koch & Tricia Reilly Koch share strategies.

The Art Of Insubordination
One key to making changes in the world is knowing how to use our voice in the right way, to make statements about what needs to change and ask questions about why things are the way that they are.

DeEtte Sauer, 82-Year-Old Swimmer Who Lost 100 Pounds, Inspiring the Next Generation
DeEtte Sauer didn’t start swimming until she was in her 50’s. Since then, she’s lost more than 100 pounds and set multiple world records.

The Opportunity to Say Thank You
Operation Gratitude Touches the Lives of Millions of Service Members, First Responders, Veterans & Volunteers

This Holiday Season, Connect Loved Ones With The Stories Behind Your Photos On GrandPad
Sharing photos is a great way to swap stories and connect with loved ones of all ages. GrandPad has created a tablet that makes it easier for older adults to get online and get in touch with their family.

Veteran’s Day
Veterans Day was originally celebrated as Armistice Day, marking the end of World War I on the “11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month” in 1918. For that reason, it’s always celebrated on November 11th — regardless of which day of the week it falls on.

Balancing the Blessings & Stress of Caregiving
Across the United States, November is National Family Caregivers month, highlighting one of the most important and undervalued responsibilities we all face at some point.