Enid Borden


Enid Borden is responsible for bringing the issue of senior hunger to the forefront of public discussion when no one was talking about it and she is still the No. 1 advocate pushing the issue forward. 

She’s the founder, president and CEO of the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger. Before that, she spent nearly 20 years running the Meals on Wheels Association of America, where she increased the organization’s annual budget from less than $100,000 to more than $15 million.

At Growing Bolder, we frequently talk about the unprecedented advantages and opportunities available to the aging Baby Boomer population and the rolling age wave, but Enid says it’s important we also remember the challenges this era represents, too. 

She says hungry seniors are often hiding in plain sight. Enid explains the depth and severity of this problem and why it’s something we’re all going to face, either ourselves or with someone we love, over our lifetime. 

But she also believes it’s a problem that is very much solvable. 

Find out how hungry seniors’s pride and reluctance to accept help that they’re not only entitled to but deserve is contributing to this problem.

She reveals her action plan for helping seniors in your community and the simple things you can do today to start solving this problem, neighborhood by neighborhood. 

Plus, Enid shares the interesting group that is the hungriest — and it’s not seniors in their 80s and beyond.

Click here to visit nfesh.org and submit your ideas to end hunger in this country.