Hard Conversations About Caregiving


Last Updated on September 2, 2022

Amy O’Rourke, one of America’s top caregiving expert says that every family, yours included, needs to have open, frank discussions about changing roles. Family caregiving can be extremely difficult but it can also be a tremendous blessing if we learn how to communicate and collaborate. She lends her expertise and the “What’s Next!” panelists share their personal experiences.

Want to hear more from Amy? Register for our Art of Caregiving Summit!

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Art of Caregiving

Larry Pino’s story is one shared by countless Americans. After his father passed away, Larry’s mother lived on her own — until she couldn’t anymore. That led Larry to some soul-searching and a series of difficult caregiving decisions. When he couldn’t find a senior living facility that he thought was right for his mom, he built his own! That has led to a reinvention of senior living, from the ground up, and the launch of Tuscan Gardens.

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