The Health-Wealth Connection: Save for a Longer, Happier Life


Last Updated on January 15, 2025

Extra years of enjoyable life should be considered a major goal and one of life’s greatest blessings but without sufficient resources to fund a longer life, those years can be filled with stress, anxiety, and unnecessary struggle.

An important part of a Growing Bolder lifestyle is preparing for the challenges of aging because we will all face hardships of one kind or another as we age. That’s life. One of the most important keys to protecting our financial future can be found in the health-wealth connection. 

We can’t improve our overall health and well-being without also improving our overall financial health. That means that one of the best investments we can all make is simply improving our daily lifestyle choices because rising healthcare costs are the most serious threat to our financial futures.

To prepare for the future, it’s important to put your money to work as early as possible, but it’s never too late to begin. Whenever you begin your savings journey, consider maximizing your returns with Raisin, an all-in-one-savings tool designed to help you take control of your funds with access to some of the best interest rates offered at banks nationwide. No matter how small of a savings you start, you’ll be on your way towards preparing for the health-wealth connection in years to come.

Studies show that more than 80 percent of our healthcare dollars go to treating preventable chronic diseases. Regular exercise, a nutritious diet, plenty of sleep, and strong social connections are an investment in our future that we can make.

Despite our best efforts, health setbacks can still happen to anyone, especially as we age.

“Serious financial hardship is almost always the result of some kind of health problem,“ Cetin Duransoy, CEO of Raisin, told Growing Bolder. “You don’t want to borrow from your credit card for those expenses. You want to borrow from a planned account for that day. And if that day never comes, that’s a nice surprise. But for many, a health challenge will come, and it’s important to have a plan in place by growing your money now.” Having principally-protected investments, like those made available through Raisin, in our portfolio, helps ensure that our money is available when we need it most.

Don’t ever say that you can’t afford to invest in your future because we can leverage the health-wealth connection.

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