The Colorful World of Jamieson Thomas
Jamieson Thomas defies description. Artist, athlete, adventuress and so much more. Only her art hints at the depth of this renaissance woman.
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Jamieson Thomas defies description. Artist, athlete, adventuress and so much more. Only her art hints at the depth of this renaissance woman.
A 100-year-old woman has broken the world records for the fastest 100- and 200-meter dashes in her age group. Watch the videos of Diane Friedman as she becomes the fastest centenarian in the world.
Ben Beach holds one of the most amazing records in sports and it’s a record he breaks every year. Now in his mid-60s, the man who has run 48 straight Boston Marathons explains why and how he keeps going.
Don’t let the headline fool you. This is not really about sports. It’s about a lifestyle that’s filled with fun, friendship and fitness. Learn more about what masters sports are, why masters athletes compete, and what these athletes are out to prove.
A three-time Emmy Award winning producer shifts his focus to older athletes and the result is a moving and empowering documentary.
Multisport athlete Celeste Callahan is 72 years old and nothing like the grandmothers of the past! Find out what drove this triathlete, marathoner and mountain climber to discover her passion for living life boldly.
After retiring from a distinguished academic career, Alex Rotas reinvented herself as a photographer, despite knowing next-to-nothing about photography.
Once upon a time, Margaret Webb was terrified to turn 50. Then, she discovered running and fitness. She shares what she’s learned from the world’s fittest older women. Find out how to have the fitness of a much younger person with the wisdom of age.
In the “Age of Champions,” filmmaker Christopher Rufo shines a light on the extraordinary and inspirational men and women competing in masters sports and the National Senior Games. Find out how he sees attitudes changing about older people.
World records are made to be broken, but the track and field world is still buzzing over 95-year-old Donald Pellman’s recent smashing of his own record in the high jump.
We dig masters swimming. Men and women of all ages compete with those of equal ability but against those in their own age group. Dive into this story and discover why it’s quickly becoming one of the world’s great intergenerational activities.
As more and more of us get active later in life, more and more of us are also experiencing sports-related injuries. A top surgeon shares tips for surviving our increasingly active lifestyles.