Valerie Ramsey

Valerie Ramsey is living proof that not only is it never too late to reinvent your life, there’s no obstacle too great that you can’t overcome on your path to finding your dreams. Get her tips for creating your “what’s next?”

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Vicki Robin

If you’ve ever thought, “Oh, I wish I could eat more locally grown foods but it’s just too hard,” Vicki Robin has some news for you — you can do it. Get her tips for eating closer to home and what it can teach you about your community and yourself.

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William Zinke

Are you “successfully aging?” One of the top experts on reinventing your career after 50 offers tips for what can be the most productive years of your life, even in the midst of these times of high unemployment and low economic growth.

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Wendy Boglioli

Growing Bolder TV: Wendy Boglioli

In 1976, Wendy Boglioli was a part of one of the most exciting and most unexpected Olympic upsets in history — winning gold against the East German swimmers. Now 58, she’s helping women stay physically and financially strong as we age.

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Gerald Hilbrich

After a successful business career, Gerald Hilbrich retired and became a role model for one of his personal philosophies — those who make a good living are obligated to give back their time, talent and treasures. Get his tips for making a difference

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Dan Clark

One of the world’s top motivational speakers says we’ve got the idea of success all wrong. It’s not about bigger houses, cooler cars and more money; it’s about wanting what we get so that our lives matter. He explains.

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Tess Vigeland

What happened when longtime public radio host Tess Vigeland stopped being “Marketplace’s Tess Vigeland?” She explains why she walked away from what seemed to be a dream job and what she’s learned about taking a leap of faith.

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Clark Howard

These days, it’s all about saving money — and still enjoying your life. No one is better at figuring out how to do that than consumer warrior Clark Howard. He gives tips for some of life’s biggest bills, including retirement and healthcare.

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Enid Borden

Enid Borden

Senior hunger is a serious problem in this country, yet few people are talking about it. Enid Borden is on a mission to not only feed the hungry but to solve the problem of hunger. She explains what you can do today to be a part of the solution.

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Ted Bergman

Once upon a time, TV writer Ted Bergman was the hottest ticket in town, but these days, it’s tough for him to get a ticket on the bus tour. He believes age could be a big part of the reason. He explains how he’s battling ageism in Hollywood.

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