Clarence Bass


Clarence Bass is simply one of the most amazing men on Earth. Have you ever seen a 71-year-old with such a ripped body? He is considered the most articulate, well-read spokesman in America for an all-around fitness lifestyle.

He is an attorney and the author of nine fascinating books on fitness, including his most recent, “Great Expectations.” In it, he debunks what he calls misconceptions about getting in shape. He says it is NOT hard to do. He explains that it doesn’t happen overnight, that all kinds of factors go into getting into great shape, such as the amount of sleep you get, the foods you eat and listening to your body.

Clarence says he only works out three times a week to keep his body as incredible as it is. He is a living example that it is indeed never too late to build muscle and look great no matter how old you are.

To see more stunning photos of Clarence’s body, click here for a pictorial history of his fitness.

If you’re ready to start getting in shape, check out:
Staying Fit channel
Fitness Freaks group