98-Year-Old’s Tips for Loving Life


Last Updated on January 11, 2021

*Annie Peters passed away in June 2020, but we are thankful for the time we were able to spend with her and the life lessons we were able to soak in.

If you want to feel more fulfilled and find a way to give your life more meaning, find a purpose. Having a purpose can have a profound effect on how motivated we are, how alive we feel and how we deal with the challenges that we face as we age. Annie Peters has had a hard life, but at the age of 98, she still works, still lives alone and she still drives her car. And she still loves life as much as ever.

She shares her extraordinary life journey with us, from washing dishes for the legendary writer Zora Neale Hurston to surviving decades without her husband to giving back to her fellow residents in Eatonville, Florida, the historic African-American town she so dearly loves. Her passion for living life on her terms and savoring every second life has to offer will inspire you, whether you’re 28, 98 or somewhere in between. Even as she faces a serious cancer diagnosis at 98, her outlook remains optimistic and joyful.

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