Neal Unger

Neal Unger is a stereotype-smashing 60-year-old who refuses to let anyone define him or his life. His passion in life is skateboarding, and he says it’s the best way he knows to quiet his mind. He shares his “dude logic.”

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Ida the Incredible

She stands just 4 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs just 83 pounds, but Ida Keeling is a true heavyweight. Fresh off her world-record run at the Penn Relays, the 100-year-old runner talks to Growing Bolder about the power of attitude.

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Melvin Brown

Find out how a great laugh and a desire to make people smile can be all it takes to make the world a better place! Get your toes tapping with the one and only Movin’ Melvin Brown!

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Robert Drapkin, M.D.

Meet the highly respected cancer doctor who took up weightlifting in his 50s because he wanted to prove something life-changing and maybe even life-saving to us all. Now in his 70s, wait until you hear how he is smashing world records and changing the world’s perceptions on fitness for older adults.

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Charles Eugster

Charles Eugster is a 96-year-old superman who is the greatest athlete in the world over the age of 90. He says you can discover your own Fountain of Youth at any age. He didn’t find his until his mid-60s!

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Celeste Callahan

Multisport athlete Celeste Callahan is 72 years old and nothing like the grandmothers of the past! Find out what drove this triathlete, marathoner and mountain climber to discover her passion for living life boldly.

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