September 2022 Growing Bolder Digital Digest

Check out stories from this issue

The Storyteller

In 2010, in what can only be described as a very Growing Bolder move, Nanton challenged himself to chase his dream of becoming a documentary filmmaker. It was an ambitious goal but Nanton, if nothing else, is a man who knows how to take what is and create what might be.

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Personal Growth Apps & Websites

For some this means learning a new skill. For others, it might be losing a few pounds, making a new friend, or learning to budget better. No matter the path you’re walking on your own Growing Bolder journey, we can all take advantage of the resources available to make self-improvement easier. Here are a few of our favorite personal growth apps and websites.

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Late Summer Indulgence

This delicious appetizer is perfect for late summer fare. Inspired by a sampling of a similar dish at an Italian restaurant in Las Vegas, Chef Brittany Driskell was determined to create something a bit different, she put her own spin on the filling.

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Curiosity Is The Key To Growing Bolder

For seven years writer Elizabeth Gilbert got nothing but rejection letters. She persisted because she had a passion for something that would allow her to do more than just pay bills and die. She believes there’s something within us all that makes us want to follow our curiosity wherever it takes us.

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Moving Into the Light

From Therea Clower’s grief, “Into Light Project” was born, a national non-profit organization dedicated to changing the conversation about drug addiction; a tribute to others, like her son, who lost their lives to opioid addiction.

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Moving Into the Light

From Therea Clower’s grief, “Into Light Project” was born, a national non-profit organization dedicated to changing the conversation about drug addiction; a tribute to others, like her son, who lost their lives to opioid addiction.

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