Kay Rawlins: Surviving and Thriving with Pride


Last Updated on March 5, 2024

Kay Rawlins may not be the most powerful woman in sports but she is one of the most inspirational. And, unquestionably, one of the most beloved in her community. 

Rawlins is Founder, Vice President and Foundation President for Orlando City Soccer –the owner of franchises in the top men’s and women’s professional leagues in North America.

She shares how her journey from the UK to the US and her trials and tribulations along the way have defined the Growing Bolder experience: belief in herself, fearless, creative risk taking, endless persistence and a reliance on family and friends when needed.

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Madonna Hanna: Honoring the Past, Sprinting Into the Future

Masters Sports

Madonna Hanna has achieved all her life, as an award-winning teacher, author, and fashion industry executive. In 2011 she added sprinter to her list when, at 57, her late husband began coaching her and she entered the Washington Senior Games. After his death, Madonna kept her promise to him to keep running. She found a new coach in nationally-ranked track athlete Marcus Chambers, and their work together helped Madonna achieve gold at the 2023 National Senior Games.

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