Ann Kahl: The Health-Wealth Connection


Last Updated on July 18, 2024

Eighty-Nine-year-old Ann Kahl says her health insurance is on her feet — in the form of running shoes! She motivates and inspires everyone around her, and it’s a story we can all learn from.

Kahl runs year round. If it’s too hot to run in the street, she’ll run in the pool. She shares fitness calendars for free to her friends and neighbors. With her house and car paid for, Kahl happily tells others how her investment in her health was the biggest financial investment she could have made.

Kahl is a perfect example of the health-wealth connection. The one investment guaranteed to pay the most dividends in the years ahead is improving your health and wellbeing. To avoid rising prices in healthcare and the need for expensive and extensive treatments, take action now. Prehabilitate. The physical work you put in now, whether at 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 or beyond will help you to bounce back from setbacks down the road. And your wallet will thank you for it.

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