Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Resurfaces In Virtual Reality


Last Updated on March 15, 2021

Some things have an expiration date, including classic Disney rides. Among them are ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter (1995-2003), The Great Movie Ride (1989-2017), and 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1971 to 1994).

But if you feel the need to go deep again, you can now satisfy that nostalgic urge via the Defunctland YouTube channel, which honors the history of classic and closed rides at various theme parks.

The latest virtual treat via Defunctland VR: a highly detailed recreation of the 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea ride.

Nothing beats the real thing, but in the virtual world this is a wonderful trip, well worth the 15-minute investment. Take a look:

And even if you don’t have VR headsets, you can hop on the ride on your PC and take advantage of the ride via video on YouTube’s 360° feature.

The website plans to add more rides and attractions to the digital park, but for now, this should satisfy your old-school Disney craving. The likes on Twitter (@Defunctland) — 1.2 million and counting – should give you a pretty good idea of how this is being received on social media.

As one reviewer wrote: “By Neptune’s Flippers, that was fantastic! Well done to everyone involved.”

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