Health Care Workers ‘Adopted’ As Show of Gratitude & Kindness


Last Updated on December 23, 2020

We have a New World Order in these pandemic times. Traditional norms and words are taking different shapes. “Adoption” for instance.

Frontline health care workers are our most precious friends and allies this year, fighting the good fight on the front lines of the Covid-19 pandemic. So how do we properly share that gratitude?

By adopting them.

A family in Nebraska, all of whom contacted Covid-19, launched a Facebook page initiative. It was a “giving page” that allowed nurses and other health care workers to register to be “adopted” by anyone who was appreciative of their efforts.

“I just saw how kind of stressed and overworked [she] and her co-workers were, and I thought, you know, what’s a way that we can give back and show support?” Christine Danderand told KETV.

Danderland’s motivation to help was personal. She, her husband and daughter all contracted Covid-19 earlier this year. They all recovered and no one was hospitalized. But the experience gave her a first-hand look at the world of frontline health care workers. Adding to the personal impact: her mother is a registered nurse also on the Covid-19 frontlines.

“People are complaining about wearing a mask when they grocery shop for half an hour and these nurses are wearing double masks, face shields and full PPE for their entire shift,” she said. “They go to bed and then they get up and do it all over again.”

She had to return the kindness and care she felt. So she went to work, setting up profiles for health care workers along with their Amazon wish lists. Those who stepped up to “adopt” began sending boxes filled with presents, along with notes expressing their gratitude and encouragement.

In two weeks, they had 5,000 members. And more than 400 health care workers have been adopted.

“If you read a lot of the Amazon links, they want compression socks, or a new pair of shoes, or a coffee mug, candy,” Danderland said. “Just little things that kind of brighten their spirits when they get home from work at the end of the day.”

It’s not a “little thing.” It’s a big thing.

The spirit of the season continues to rise above the dark clouds on the horizon. Danderland’s Facebook group has been disabled since it fulfilled so many wishes, but similar Facebook/social media groups are popping up all over the country. Search your area using terms like “Adopt a Nurse” or “Adopt a Health Care Worker” and see what you find. Better yet — start your own to care directly for the heroes in your community.

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