Online Learning Opportunities for Lifelong Learners


Last Updated on November 18, 2020

The sobering reality: Social engagement and intellectual stimulation are critical to mental health, and the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many Americans, especially older ones, in that regard. Also a reality: The Internet is your friend and ally and is here to help.

Today’s older adults have access to other paths that generations before them never had thanks to the Internet, including online learning courses.

It allows people to go back to school at any age and expand their educational experiences on their own terms and pace. It’s an important step to offset the COVID-19 blues, especially since it will keep minds sharp and active, and improve your mood.

The good news is that older people are catching the Internet wave.

A Pew Research report released in 2017 said that 67 percent of adults ages 65 and older say they go online. The report also stated that the number of those 65+ subscribing to home broadband services has also risen to 51 percent.

Given the COVID-19 dynamics, that number is certainly on the rise.

The Internet can open a portal to a world of virtual access. And it doesn’t have to cost a penny. Click here to check out 21 sites that offer free online classes for the Bolder generation.

Another useful resource is

As it says in its website, “Throughout a career, life’s experiences are stored up as wisdom. Many retirees refuse to see retirement as a season of life to kick back and simply enjoy the fruits of their labors. For many, retirement is better seen as a transition that brings new opportunities.

“Opportunities to pass on wisdom, to explore new employment avenues, and continue to contribute to younger generations. A love of learning, experiencing new ways to engage others, and contribute to society do not expire with a person’s retirement. Seniors are more and more rethinking and redesigning their future by seeking new opportunities and careers.”

We could not agree more.

Carpe Diem, as the cool kids say.

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