Your Take: Describe a Reunion that was Meaningful to You


Last Updated on October 14, 2021

Family, school and team reunions are very special affairs. They can teleport you back to a very specific time in your life or help you look at memories and experiences in a new light. We asked the Growing Bolder community about reunions that have had an impact on them.

Just had one with a woman I’d lost track of about 17 years ago. We were best friends for 4 years while we were having babies and our husbands were working for the same place. I quit receiving greeting cards from her. Last week I discovered that she has been living right here in our apartment complex for those 17 years. Needless to say it’s going to take several visits to catch up. The beauty of it is that the ladies who told me about her being here followed me to her apartment and took part in our reunion.Lee Meyers

My grammar school reunion. Such a wonderful day we had. Took us over 60 years, but we all looked great.

Judy Kellogg

My 5th high school reunion. A guy who I only knew pretty casually chased me down for my number and we dated intensely for a year. Broke up due to distance, but reunited after 30 years (and marrying/divorcing other people). He is the love of my life!Lisa Kroner

Dad’s 80th birthday where his five children, his 6 step-children and many others came together to help my step-mom celebrate his birthday. One niece walked her friend into the house and found 8 women in the kitchen. As she pointed to each one (some had married into the family) she said, “That’s my aunt, and that’s my aunt….” all 8 of us. The friend’s eyes just got bigger and bigger.Janet Headrick

With one of my oldest friends: I was 5-6 years old and my friend was a few years older than me.We met in 1956, grew up on the same street, lost track of each other around 1968. We reunited alittle over 40 years later and still keep in touch.Bobby Leal

My 50th high school reunion. There was a tight knit group of guys who are still talking, zooming, and visiting, as if the years made no difference. Right now, we’re texting and comparing note on the Dodgers-Giants playoff game.James Malin

High School reunions, not so much, because aside from me and my best friend, the misfits weren’t there, only the cheerleaders and popular types. The most meaningful reunion was a bike messenger reunion in 2010 amongst messengers who had not for the most part seen each other since the late 70s/early 80s.

Carolyn Colarich Critz

This past weekend we had our first family reunion ever, in NY. 14 first cousins, spouses, kids, grandkids- 45 family members talked, laughed, caught up, ate and drank and danced and sang all day Sunday. It was one of the most fun days I’ve ever spent.@theresemurphy392

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