Lucky’s Lake Swim


Last Updated on March 8, 2024

We’re in the business of finding cool people doing remarkable things. Or remarkable people doing cool things. Dr. Lucky Meisenheimer is both. He gets up every morning and swims across the large lake behind his house — and he invites the world to join him.

Dr. Meisenheimer is a renowned skin cancer surgeon who also performs some cosmetic procedures. He’s also an author, the world’s leading authority of yo-yos and owns the world’s largest collection of yo-yos. That’s not all. He’s a filmmaker, actor and producer.

Don’t Miss:
GBTV at Lucky’s house
Olympic Champ Rowdy Gaines Makes the Swim
Lucky’s Jaws Swim

Want to learn more about Lucky?
Lucky’s Lake Swim Web site
GB’s Meet Lucky Meisenheimer video
GB’s World Record Hanging by a Thread video
More on Lucky
Lucky’s Medical Web site

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