These Musical Legends Say: “Live and Play Like There’s No Tomorrow”


Last Updated on March 15, 2021

Can what you do for a living extend your life? Perhaps, but there is no question that it can help you live your life to the fullest. Meet three legendary musicians — all world-renowned, all still impressing audiences and all in their 70s and older — brought together on the same stage by music professor Keith Koons from the University of Central Florida.

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Bolder Backstage with Tommy Roe


Do you remember the name Tommy Roe? In the ’60s, when it came to musical stars he was one of the biggest in the world! In fact, when the Beatles and the Stones were moving up the charts, he was one of the guys they had to climb over. He had 27 songs that made top 30, like Sheila, Sweet Pea and Dizzy! Roe was a worldwide hit. In 1963 he did a tour of England, and you know who opened for him? Four lads from liverpool!

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